Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bringing Down the House

All parents believe their children are show stoppers.  But our Hip Chick literally brought down the house yesterday.  She was so determined to escape that she flipped onto her stomach and "army crawled" away from the traction unit until it crashed down.  (We have added extra stabilizing measures to prevent a repeat occurrence.)  I simply cannot imagine where she could have inherited such strong will...

In other news, I was pleased to see my vision realized for the lap desk I had purchased (photo, above).  Two strips of double-sided tape, two sheets of drawing paper, and a box of crayons was all she needed for a little art distraction. Speaking of distractions, I would like to dedicate the success of the last two days to the following "sponsors;"

This super-sparkly lap desk has already paid for itself 50 times over.  It deserves several extra nods.  I just may be jealous enough to purchase an extra one for myself.

Crayola Color Wonder products.  Lackluster photo, spectacular products.  Just today, you spared skin, clothing, couch, blanket...

Sticker books.  Namely, the Hello Kitty sticker book pictured above.  I did not know that Hello Kitty played soccer.  Nor did I know she had an art class.  All that matters is the sheets of stickers we continue to have on reserve after four days of diffusing meltdowns.

Our hippie loves loves books.  This new addition has officially made her top 5 rotation. 

I had always admired the Melissa & Doug line, but the gear toy above is snazzy.  It did not take much direction for our hippie to begin matching colors and tinkering with the mechanics.  A big nod to the manufacturer for the double-sided stencils.

Meanwhile, this is the latest evolution of our hippie's traction space, below.  We have now connected the Tinkerbell couch and traction mat by wrapping them together in cloth to provide extra lounge space.  If I were to propose one improvement to the traction process, it would be to provide larger mats for older/more active tots.  We could easily add a third, same-sized mat to match her activity level.  Her ability to maneuver is impressive.  I have told my husband that, should our Hip Chick embark upon a career with Cirque du Soleil, we would have to reflect upon this period in her life.

1 comment:

  1. Another idea (although I bet you've thought of it) - an ipad.

    The number of interactive games and learning apps available is simply astounding. Syd would probably love to play games on one.
