Sunday, February 24, 2013

It Is Time

This weekend concluded our preparations.  In addition to the basic details (paperwork completed, bags packed, house cleaned), we treated our Hip Chick to two pancake breakfasts out.  My husband fired up the grill last night and, in our daughter's words, made "BIIIIIIG burbers!"  Today, we took her to both the dog park and a playground.  She swung and slid to her heart's content.  This weekend, she enjoyed a collection of extra long, splashy baths- during which we allowed her to soak us and the entire bathroom until every last drop of water had drained from her tub.  The photo above is of her wrinkled little feet and toes after her bath tonight- the last one for approximately six months.

In attempt to somehow explain to her what would occur in the morning, I showed her a picture of a toddler in Bryant's Traction several times today.  Due to her age, I did not think she would grasp any attempt to explain earlier than this. You can see the same photo via the link here:

Each time I would show her the photo, I would point to the little girl's legs, then tap hers.  I kept saying that she would have the same legs tomorrow.  I also had her lay down on the floor, pull her legs up, and look at the photo.  I can't say with certainty that she understood, but she did point to the toddler's legs and say her own name a couple of times.  Perhaps in some way the message reached her.  If so, I hope that little part of her thinks back to our conversations today when she sees us taping her legs and hanging them.  I hope she knows that Mommy tried to tell her.

Game faces on- it is time.


  1. I will be praying for your family every single day, I love you all very much.

  2. Sydney is smart, and I believe with all my heart that she understood. You are such a great Mom for everything you're doing...we were looking through the blog today in class-Syd has been on our minds at PC since Monday morning and we couldn't believe the awesome things you guys have come up with to help her along and make it ok. Tell her we love her and we will be anxiously awaiting her coming back to her PC family!

    1. Thank you, Nikki! She has begun asking about her friends and teachers. The first person she asked about was Reagan. It made me tear up. We tell her that she will play again with you soon.
