Friday, February 15, 2013

Prescriptions and Vitamins

Baby girl has developed an ear infection.  Usually, these kinds of health issues would be a minor affair.  With an impending surgery, however, we have learned that different rules apply for a child the age of our hippie.  Her anesthesiologist is rather clear in that she is not to have a serious cough (no RSV, bronchitis, croup) for six weeks prior to the surgery, nor can she consume antibiotics for four weeks prior.  We are also limited in the use of pain relievers/fever reducers.  It has worked out so that she will finish her ten day course of antibiotics just in time to meet her requirements.  And we took extra care to ensure the pediatrician proclaimed her lungs to be clear.

In my previous post, I relayed disappointment with her schedule change.  With her ear infection, however, we would have been forced to push it back a week, anyway.  She was simply not meant to have surgery on the original date.

Speaking of medicines and such:  Typically, our Hip Chick does not take a multivitamin.  Our pediatrician advises that most young children have no need for one, as long as they eat a well rounded diet- and our hippie is a very good eater.  With the increased attention on her health, however, we have been advised to add one to her daily regimen.  Options for children under 2 are rather limited, so I opted for a liquid multi from Enfamil.  I expect that a multivitamin will be a part of her regimen for some time, with a 22 week plan In place for the best case scenario.   She will transition to a gummy vitamin after her second birthday.

I also explored other options (such as echinacea) to aid her immunity, but they are equally as limited as with vitamins.  In the meantime, I am indulging any fruit craving she has to add extra vitamin C to her intake.


  1. Just thought I'd relay a funny story that happened today:) So our room was sent to play in Toddler 1's room for a few hours this morning and upon entering the room we noticed that T1 was still enjoying their morning snack: lumpy, sticky oatmeal (which is delicious btw). So we corralled our kiddo's and sat down to read books while the T1 kids were getting cleaned up. Note they all had smocks on, but were covered in oatmeal. Including hands and faces:) So while I had my back to the tables where T1 was cleaning up, I felt a big bear hug from behind me and ooey, gooey hands draped around my neck...yep, Sydney had snuck off to say "Hi Nikki...Hi Nikki". I turned around and started laughing and gave her a kiss. Needless to say, I had oatmeal all over my back and some on my face...but it was one of the cutest and most precious hugs I've ever received! She is awesome...

    1. I love that story!! Thank you for sharing- it brought a big laugh and smile to our weekend.
