Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Traction- Day/Night 2

I do not expect to blog every day, but these first two have been a high learning curve and I thought to share another update.  First, the photo above was specifically requested by our Hip Chick.  She held the monkey up and said, "Mommy, cheeeeeeeese!"  (Mommmy has been a shutterbug...)

Our hippie seemed to have a better day today than yesterday.  She still hit some rough patches, but nothing was as full as last night.  She was rather content with Animal Planet, Bubble Guppies, Yo Gabba Gabba, or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on tv.  We also entertained her with electronic games, storybooks, and stickers.  She must remain upright for 30 minutes after meals, so these specific times are quickly becoming treasured reprieves.  She still is not supposed to move or walk (and she complies 90% of the time), but these times are exciting opportunities for coloring, more reading, and interactive toys.

We knocked out her first sponge bath today.  For obvious reasons, there will be no photos posted.  She did not seem to enjoy this experience.  We wrapped her legs with trash bags.  Then, we began a small stream of water- just enough to flow directly down the drain.  We created an extra water barrier with a rolled up towel in the event we miscalculated the water flow.  Then, we placed her on the opposite side of the towel from the tub faucet.  We wiped her down to the best of our ability, then laid her head onto the towel to wash her hair.  This part caused a bit of panic.  Once we finished rinsing her hair, she adamantly told us, "Wawa all done."  Still, it was an achievement for us- as mentioned in a few prior posts, she will have sponge baths for roughly six months.  At this juncture, the hair washing seems to be best kept as a two person job. 

Below are a few of her creative positions in spite of the traction unit:

Watching TV


Using her new stuffed bunny as a pillow.  Do we see a smile?

As with last night, she did not fuss when it was time to sleep in her traction unit.  Other than one pronouncement of "STUCK" (which we quickly remedied), she rolled onto her stomach and has been sleeping as well as usual.  Mommy and Daddy on the other hand- perhaps we sleep a little less than usual these days.  Her nurses mentioned that most parents of children in this program feel as though they revert to a newborn sleep schedule.

Speaking of schedules, tomorrow my husband and I begin alternating days at home/work and caring for her by ourselves during the workday.  (Hence my midnight blog, as I worked at home until that time tonight.)  Tomorrow is his day at home and mine at work, although we will each do our best to remain active/available for our employers on the days at home.  It will be interesting to see how we each manage this next phase of our transition.


  1. Maybe one of those paci string thingy that clips to her shirt would help you to keep from her losing it. You probably already thought of that, lol You two are amazing parents.
    Love you. Lulu

  2. Such a pretty little girl. The time and care with her and with this blog is proof she has amazing parents. Glad to see her spirits are still up and I hope the both of you are able to keep yours up as well.

  3. Would it be crazy to say this is inspiring me to get up and do what I need to do! You never know where your inspiration will come from. Many lives will be impacted because you chose to share this journey!
    Praying for your strength, endurance, patience, wisdom, knowledge ,discernment, guidance. I live in Austin so I may not be able to help physically, but are there things you need at home to make things easier?


    1. What a touching response, Carol- thank you! With as much generosity and kindness as we have received, we feel it would be greedy to request anything more. Please feel free to donate to the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. Our daughter's hip will be monitored/treated there until she is grown and I am confident any donations would be managed effectively.

  4. Thank you for sharing. I know that sweet little girl is having a hard time being confined to this. I am glad to see the transition is going ok. She has such awesome parents. Kids seem to know when to adjust to a situation. love you guys. Lots of continued prayers.


  5. Amie,
    A suggestion that might help for bath time...have you looked into some dry shampoo options for alternating days? I have no idea about using these products on toddlers but it would give you at least an extra day between hair washing.

    Keep your chin up - You and Brian and your sweet girl seem to be coming along great so far. Remember...just take it one day at a time.

    1. Hi Lisa! You are the second person to mention a dry shampoo- I will seek some by the weekend. We decided on an easier solution to wash her body most days, but the hair washing is a huge battle. Thank you for all of the sweet words and support!
