Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Traction- Night 1

Yesterday evening was rougher than the day.  She reached an emotional break, and pled to be pulled out.  She fought enough to kick one of her legs free, so my husband pulled her out for a 15 minute break.  After we placed her back in, she continued to struggle.  We cuddled her, sung to her, but nothing seemed to work until I offered mac & cheese for dinner- that instantly lifted her spirits.

The monkey above is her new favorite friend.  Our princess received it a few years ago and I immediately thought of it when we arrived home yesterday.  Our Hip Chick smiled and giggled when I told her that he hangs from his feet- just like her.  

Before the sun set last night, we decided to give her wagon a whirl around our neighborhood.  Her nurses advised that it would be good for her mental disposition to have a trip outside once per day- weather permitting.  So, we bundled her (and the monkey) up with blankets.  (On a lighter note- yes, this wagon is considered a piece of medical equipment.  Your Scottish Rite donations at work- thank you!)

Halfway through our walk, she managed to flip onto her stomach.  This may look uncomfortable, but she was thrilled.  She kept yelling, "Hi, Mommy!  Hi Daddy!" because she was so proud. 

Our little hippie has to sleep in the traction unit, and it fits into her crib.  Scottish Rite provided us with a white mat to use with the unit.  Our Tinkerbell fold out couch offers our Hip Chick more space during the day, but we need the mat for nighttime because the traction unit does not fit underneath her crib mattress..  I stuffed the empty spaces between her mat and the crib slats with all of her blankets and quilts. When she was born, we received so many blankets that I wondered how we would make good use of them all.  It took every last one of them to achieve this arrangement.

We were mentally prepared for a long night.  Much to our surprise, she did not fight me when I hung her legs and told her goodnight.  We have a video monitor and could see her jostle her legs a little (perhaps to the radio- we have it play for her at night), but she slept peacefully and soundly.  Only once did I hear her fuss- it was near 4am and she needed help finding her beloved pacifier.

This morning, we awoke to her trademark, "Mooooooom-myyyyyyyy" yell from her crib.  As I rose, I was in disbelief to hear her cooing.  Dare I say it, she sounded happy.  I shuffled into her room to see my bubbly girl, flipped onto her stomach (as she prefers to sleep).  Due to the weight of the sandbags, her legs and hip were elevated.  I immediately thought of Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.  She seemed thrilled and comfortable with her achievement- much like the wagon. 

This morning, we seem to have found a more comfortable position for her.  She has struggled some, but not nearly with the depth of last night's break.  I think it will become easier with each day.


  1. Syd continues to be soooo related to her Aunt LaLa, lol! Kudos to the monkey.

  2. Miss her already! All our love, and thank you so much for keeping us all updated!
