Friday, December 13, 2013

Walkin' After Midnight

Hip Chick has had a very busy few days!  Our little hippie had been telling us that she would walk once her spica was removed and she has spent day and night pushing herself toward this goal.  As we are also fighting illness in the household, I have a quick synopsis of her 96 hours below:

8am- Transfer to OR, cast and pins removed
3pm- Gives Mommy and Daddy a heart attack as she was sitting on the couch, rolled onto her stomach, shoved herself off the couch, and Mommy catches Hip Chick mid-collapse, as her jelly legs give way.   Announces, "I need to stand.  I need to walk."
7pm- Begins a series of meltdowns, during  which she repeatedly attempts to stand.

Upon waking, sits independently, including on a backless toddler piano bench.  Relaxes much of the day.
11pm- Throws herself headfirst out of bed, onto the floor and begins army crawling through the house.  Announces she is going to the supermarket.
12am to 1am- Has meltdowns about "needing" to stand.  Works on standing and makes it clear she will do so with out without Mommy's help, regardless of timing.  Explains that she "needs to rock and roll."

Upon waking, can stand while holding onto furniture with one hand for balance.
10am- Asks for help "tippy-toe to kitchen."  Walks with help (very stiff) halfway through the house.  Practices a few more times during the day.
5pm- Hysterical meltdown over pelvic bandaging (incision from pin removal).  Claws and rips bandaging, which required a clean up.  End result is all bandaging, including steri-strips, are lost.
6pm- Stands without assistance.

9:30am- Trip to pediatrician for a new cough and to examine incision, given all clear and subsequent call to surgeon's office.
6:30pm- Walks circles around neighbors' home.  Neighbors gingerly advise that any physical therapy plans may be unneccary.
9pm- Vomiting

4am- Awakens with a 100.5
5:30am- Call Scottish Rite for on call assistance (respiratory infection or surgical site infection?)
8am- Call both the surgeon's office and pediatrician
10am- Takes six independent steps!  Repeats a handful of times.  Walks using either one or two adults hands for balance, depending on confidence level.  Apparently Ebola will not stop her from walking.

And so we wait, accompanied by plenty of juice, warm blankets, and animated films.  We were advised to monitor her for a rising fever and it spiked to 101.5 this afternoon.   What does the weekend hold for our baby girl?

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