Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Post Casting: Week 1 Recap

Our daughter has completed her first week post-casting.  It has been a bumpy one, both physically and emotionally.  I am a little short of clever lead-ins today, so we'll move straight into the Q &A.

1. How has Hip Chick's pain management progressed?
We are relieved to relay that her pain is sufficiently managed with Lortab at night and massage during the day.  We have not taken her to the pool since Sunday due to more active days, but will resume soon.

2. Are we managing her care at home until the next appointment?
She remained at home last week, but she began a transition this week.  Our daughter returned for a partial day at daycare yesterday and a full day today.  Her daycare teachers are true partners.  As long as they can manage her as part of the class, we want to provide her with as much normalcy as possible.  This also allows Mommy and Daddy to work... there are medical bills to pay.

3.  How are her gross motor skills progressing?  
Incrementally.  The photo above displays the bent position in which she holds her left leg most of the time.  If she attempts to place weight onto her left foot, it is usually on the side of her foot, nearly sideways.  However- her daycare teachers were excited to report that she had crawled on all fours for a short bit today, and that is worth celebrating!  We doubt that she will be able to withstand much weight on her left leg for some time.

4.  How is her disposition?
Now that the pain has diminished, her disposition is growing less volitile and more chipper.  One of her teachers remarked today about what an inspiration she is to maintain as much of  her happy-go-lucky attitude in a situation which would throw many adults into depression.  The teacher mentioned that she is so inspired that she tells others in her life about our daughter.

This isn't to say that bad moments elude Hip Chick.  Her storms are full of electricity and turbulence.  In example: Last night, she insisted to attempt pulling herself into a standing position unaided.  She gripped the edges of our stout coffee table and struggled with all of her might- without moving an inch.  It frustrated her so that she screamed with shrill, blustery gusts until her lungs tired.  No measure of comforting relaxed her- she had to scream this one out.  

5. The spica casts had a large impact on the household's sleep patterns.  Is this smoothing out now that she wears the Rhino Brace at night?
Not yet.  We are very relieved that the midnight shrieks of the past two weeks are waning.  Unfortunately, she continues to have interrupted and restless sleep.  When she does sleep, she whimpers.  Mommy and Daddy still don't rest very much.

6. How are Mom and Dad's disposition?
We are in a period of dichotomy.  We do our best to be happy for her and cheer her attempts at mobility... but we are plagued with the foresight that progressing to more surgery means she will just be robbed of it again- and soon. The guilt is nearly unbearable at times.  

We are also processing the mental hurdle of Hip Chick's hip dysplasia transitioning from a short term ailment to a longer term disability.  Until now, we were driven by our daughter's hip achieving each "best case" milestone.  The petrie cast complication has forced us to lock eyes and touch noses with a reality we were unprepared to accept.  But... perhaps I am speaking prematurely.  We have not yet received the official word.

7.  When and what is the next milestone?
One week from today.  She will continue to wear the Rhino Brace at night until then.  At that appointment, she will have an xray.  Pending the results, the next phase of her hip's treatment will be determined.

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