Sunday, November 3, 2013

Post Osteotomies: Week 7 Recap

Our daughter has completed her first week in her fifth cast, her seventh week after "the big surgery," and her 21st total week of casting this year.  G-d willing, we are in "countdown" to put all of this casting behind.  Five weeks to go!  

As for this week specifically, what a difference a cast makes!  While we are still combating sleep issues, Hip Chick's overall disposition has shifted.  She wants to move.  She will announce, "I need to crawl, crawl, CRAWL!!" and then army crawl as she did in her first two spica casts.  She is also eager to stand.  Her first attempt was pictured above.

By week's end, she was insisting we let her attempt to stand unaided.  Up to her old antics, indeed!  This increased mobility makes her happy and helps burn energy.  Good news for everyone!  Below are additional thoughts.

1.  Aside from increased mobility, what else is different with this cast?
The diapering hole and torso are roomier than ever.  Unfortunately, this means we have more diaper leaks than ever.  The width of the diapering hole leaves gaps on either side of the diaper's crotch and the torso no longer helps to fully secure the diaper at her pelvis.  While the crotch issue can be managed by more frequent diaper changes, the pelvis is another issue.  With her crawling so much more and insisting on a stomach sleeping position, urine can stream up her chest.  (Cue a Charlie Brown AARGH!!)  We finally seem to have it remedied by stuffing additional menstrual pads down the front of her cast for sleeping and/or extended tummy time.

2.  With all of the aforementioned roominess, has her smuggling career resumed?
She will stuff anything she thinks she can get away with down the cast- especially clothing.  She seems to have a game of pulling off the shirt or dress she is wearing and stuffing it down the front of her cast to see whether it will completely submerge.  She also likes to rest with her hand stuck down her cast, like Napolean.  

3.  Hip Chick has had additional social exposure aside of Big Sister and the daycare as of late.  How has she reacted to other children?
Usually, she pays most unfamiliar children little attention.  There was a slight exception at our Halloween block party last week.  There were two girls she had played with before and several new playmates.  She felt left out when thry began playing tag and wanted Mommy to run with her to tag the other children.  She simply does not want to be left behind!  

Soon, little one, very soon...

4.  Including traction, Hip Chick has now spent a total of six months, or 20% of her life to date, physically restrained in some form or fashion... how has this impacted her?
She likes to sing and "dance" to music- she tells us that she will be a ballerina one day.  She also loves fantasy.  She enjoys tales of flying, magic, superheroes, mermaids, dragons, fairies... anything which takes an ordinary child and enables them to do unusual things.  Part of this is her age, but she must enjoy imagining herself doing such things.  She still tells us most mornings that she dreamt of fairies and flying overnight.

On another note, she inherited a bit of Mommy's natural OCD tendencies and that aspect of her personality has exploded.  We will never know whether this was exacerbated by the immobility or simply a natural progression.  She is very specific in how she wants things done (don't peel a banana the wrong way) or who she wants doing it (only Mommy can fix her socks).  She quickly adopts routines and does not handle surprises well (don't substitute a banana for her morning cereal bar without prior notification).

5.  How are Mommy and Daddy's disposition?
If this second round of surgery and casting truly resolves her issues, Daddy and I will be the happiest parents on Earth in 2014!  Yet... there are no guarantees.   Loved ones have begun speaking to us as though resolution is certain and asking how we feel.  Quite frankly, we were so devistated by her hip's redislocation in July that we cannot allow ourselves to feel quite as certain as others do.  We call it "cautiously optimistic."  

At the same time, we are encouraged to be counting down and have begun allowing little hopes and dreams to seep in... wishes for what life can be for Hip Chick and our family.  And so we wait- we will know more after we bid this cast farewell.  Meanwhile, it sure is a great time of year for miracles and dreams to come true.

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