Sunday, November 24, 2013

Post Osteotomies: Week 10 Recap

Two weeks until cast-off!  It nearly sounds too good to be true.  With 24 weeks of casting behind us year to date, we are hoping for glimpses of the finish line... or is it a mirage?  Will we receive the news we hope for at her upcoming appointment, or will we relive the summer's rollercoaster of emotions?  Does relief or heartbreak await our family?  The answers around the corner contain many implications for the year ahead... are we prepared for what those may be?

Meanwhile, the holiday season is upon us.  One cannot help but feel a little more deeply this time of year.  Traditions, culture, religion, and folklore reinforce a magical, miraculous ability to have wishes granted and the supernatural occur.  What does this mean for our Hip Chick? Am I to believe that her hip's disposition will be any different in two weeks because of the time of the year?  Am I to believe that, if the answer is not what we hope for, it is because some diety is making her suffer innocently for Mommy and Daddy's "incorrect" religious beliefs or imperfect observance?  People hold remarkable opinions about such things.

Perhaps the best frame of mind for us this holiday season is to be grateful for what we have, mindful of the human condition's fragility, and to forgive the mistakes which brought us to where we are today.  That last part is tough for me and I imagine it could be for anyone in similar shoes.  How many of us play "what if" as the imperfect choices repeat in our heads?  What if we had selected a different pediatrician?  What if we had requested a second opinion earlier?  What if... what if... what if...

The problem with "what ifs" is that they can never happen.  They can never resolve today's problems.  They can never bring us peace.  They can never carry us to where we hope to progress.  Playing "what if" inherently renders us incapable of appreciating the gifts before us or rising to our situation.  For our situation,  it also would prevent us from empowering Hip Chick.

Below are additional thoughts:

1.  Prior posts indicated sleep deprivation throughout the household... has this improved?
In short- no.  Just this past week, there were several nights in which Hip Chick could not settle into sleep until 11pm and was awake before 4am.  We hope she will sleep more soundly once her cast is removed and she has greater mobility.

2.  Has her mobility progressed since last week?
Yes!  She can roll independently (front to back and back to front) to her heart's desire.  She spends more time cruising furniture and has begun to balance on one leg (photo below).  She has also begun spending more time balanced on her side than before.

3.  Does she have any lingering pain Iissues?
Prior to this week, I would have said no.  Twice in the past several days, however, she has complained of minor pain where her femoral plate is.  With the volatility of this week's weather, I question whether she is sensitive to climate changes like arthritis sufferers are.  We will ask her surgeon about this at her next visit.

4.  Does she still use her spica desk?
She had not used it for much of this casting phase and recently requested to begin playing in it again.  

5.  What activities are we filling her time with?  I have begun cooking with her more often, as that is interactive and something I had not done much with her this year.  Otherwise, we are all burned out on a lot of her available activities and are letting her indulge a bit more in tv and movies for the next couple of weeks.  We will pull this back after the cast is removed... even the best family can get burned out after nine months of strain.

6.  What types of stories is Hip Chick interested in?
She is drawn to stories in which children move in extraordinary ways (Peter Pan, Bubble Guppies, Tarzan) or stories about animals.  She does not seem drawn to stories about "normal" types of people, such as princess stories.  She does, however, identify with Doc McStuffins. 

7.  What other ideas do we have to break up the monotony?
Daddy and I were fortunate enough to have a babysitter last night!  This provided Hip Chick with a fresh perspective and us parents to watch an adult movie and eat in a quiet restaurant together.  This was a much-needed break for all.

8.  How are we dressing her and the cast for winter?
With the addition of our home's heater, Hip Chick has become an exhibitionist.  We are hard pressed to keep clothes on her at home.  She is constantly ripping off shirts and finding creative ways to scrape off shoes.  The cast seems to insulate her well.

9.  Does Hip Chick think her cast is forever?
No, we have begun to prepare her for cast removal.  She can verbalize that it will be removed in two weeks and we are talking to her about the new things she can do once it's removed.  We hope and pray these projections do come true.

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