Monday, October 28, 2013

Post Osteotomies: Cast Change

Today was Hip Chick's cast change for this casting phase.  It was her only cast change after the osteotomies, but her third this year, as she incurred two cast changes after her closed reduction.  This is her fifth cast this year and her fourth spica.  

Preparations were smooth as, after two prior hospital admissions and two prior day surgery admissions, this felt like old hat.  One may expect her to melt each time she hears she has another medical appointment or sees the hospital, but she was in a chipper mood.  She sang along with her favorite Jim James song as we pulled onto the highway.  She exclaimed to Mommy and Daddy about the tall buildings as we approached Downtown.  She serenaded the dark sky with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as we made our exit for the hospital.  

A Halloween-themed sock monkey and pumpkin purse were today's travel companions.  As we settled into Day Surgery, we discussed all of the things Sock Monkey saw.  She showed him the bed, medical equipment, and decorations.  She was excited to wear a hospital gown the same shade of yellow as Daddy"s shirt.

All joviality halted when the time arrived to dose the "goofy juice."  Her demeanor soured and, to Mommy, it felt like the September hospital admission was returning.  Suddenly flooded with the emotion of three days of sleepless, screaming medication refusals, I had to step out for a few minutes while Daddy attempted to coax her.  Unfortunately, there was no reasoning to be had.  Daddy and I worked together to restrain her, dose her, and make her swallow it.  Once the medication took effect,  our remaining tasks were wasy!

As usual, we snagged our beeper and hopped downstairs for breakfast.  It is amazing how ordering the same breakfast from the same cook each time has become a comforting routine.  Soon, we were called upstairs for today's results!

Our daughter's surgeon advised that everything  looks "perfect!"  Her femoral head is positioned properly for six weeks post-surgery.  Her pelvis and femur are healing and showing enough bone (re)generation.  So much, in fact, that he expects to accelerate her femoral plate's removal from March to January.  Because of this, we will delay pin removal from her pelvis until then, to minimize the number of times general anesthetic is administered and the number of times she is surgically opened.  This plan will also allow her to receive added stability for the first month after cast-off.  He also added that her last cast was "pristine" and skin in perfect condition.  All great things!

What's next?  Cast-off is in six weeks.  At that time, she may transition to an orthotic brace.  Then, we plan for hardware removal in January.

Until then, we treasure the era of the green spica.

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