Thursday, March 14, 2013

This Week Is Brought to Us By...

Gaspard and Lisa- Thank you, Disney Jr., for enabling this new rotation to our cartoon arsenal.  Just last night, my husband dreamt that he was Pooh's "little black raincloud."  Now we can dream of creme brulee.

Disney pop-up tents- a shopping excursion for Mommy, a tent party thrown by Daddy.

Probiotics- We were advised that yogurt doesn't always do the trick.  Ensuring baby girl has good bacteria heading into surgery.

Laps- Because we are growing tired of sitting in traction and need cuddle time to push through the rough patches.

Cuties- We have purchased more of these in two weeks than the last four months.

Gyrol Bowl- our Pink Princess was adamant we purchase this "as seen on tv" gem when the commercials first aired.  As I finally relented on snacktime location this week, this became invaluable because, well, the darn thing works.

Oversized Bean Bag- For now we can prop her up to sit and still keep her in traction.

For Mommy.  No explanation necessary.

Reusable Sticker Books- No more waste!

Forks- Because Hip Chick has developed a sudden and emphatic aversion to eating with spoons.

Baked Ziti-  Actually, the friends who brought us enough scrumptuous baked ziti and salad to feed an army.  We had been doing a good job of fending for ourselves, but it is amazing what a gift it it is to not worry about preparing dinner for a couple of days.

Last, but certainly not least...

Pink Paci- We now shun all others.

1 comment:

  1. She looks like she's grown already! We miss her sooooo...give her big hugs from all of us:)
