Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Hip Chick's follow up appointment was this morning and, boy, are Mommy and Daddy smiling!!!  We received the best news we could hope for at this stage in her development... which means that a grand celebration is in order!

Hip Chick's femoral head is positioned a little low in her hip socket, which is common.  This allows her femur opportunity to "rise" into the socket for an appropriate fit.  Mommy had been a little concerned, as Hip Chick's left kneecap looked low compared to her right one... and now we know why!

Her pelvis has healed appropriately.  Her stiff limp of a walk is normal for her type of surgery and medical condition.  She will continue to walk with a limp for six months post-surgery and even beyond.  Her surgeon advises against physical therapy, as it is customary for physical therapists to "stress" the body part they are rehabilitating and he does not want that for this specific healing process.

In short: she looks great!

So... what lies ahead?  Our little hippie can wait three months until her next appointment.  She will have more imaging at that time.  The surgery for her femoral plate removal will not occur until early summer.  Should her femoral head remain in socket over the next year (and her surgeon feels encouraged that it will), the next "milestone" will be at age four.  If her newly created hip socket does not grow appropriately between now and then, we will discuss another surgery at that time.

Three months between appointments... hope for no major surgeries for the next 14 months... a hint of optimism from her surgeon... it is all Mommy and Daddy could have wished for!!!

We still have work to do to help her, but this is happy work.  She was diagnosed one year ago this month and we finally have tangible hope for the near future.  (Anyone else ready to bust out the Rent theme song?)  Her surgeon reminded us today that we still have 15 years together to treat this, but we are all happy for today.

Happy New Year, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. so cute. I think its cute. Tell Syd I said hi and I love her and I miss everyone Love Emme
