Sunday, September 8, 2013

Post-Casting: Two Month Recap

I am nearly a week late on recapping Hip Chick's second month post-casting, partially because it is bumping up against her second surgery.  We do our best to celebrate all of her achievements, although it has been rather bittersweet these past few weeks.  Below are our recent thoughts:

1. Prior posts indicate that Hip Chick regained mobility quicker than anticipated- what does her mobility look like now?
She has been out of her cast for nearly 10 weeks and can crawl, walk, spin, and climb.  She tries her best to run and jump, but cannot- much as before.  

2. How is her disposition?
She is a happy, silly, boistrous, passionate, opinionated, smart, musical girl.  We can safely say that she overcame the past seven months with joy.

3.  Is she aware that another surgery and cast lie ahead?
We have not explained to her directly what is around the corner, but she has been present when the topic has been discussed.  So far, she shows either no awareness or no concern.  Due to her age, we will not fully explain it to her until a day or two prior.

4.  How do we anticipate she will react?
It is reasonable to expect that she will be unhappy.  To help reintroduce the idea, I read our Hope the Hip Hippo book to her tonight.  Afterward, I asked her whether she thought Hope was happy or sad in her cast.  Then I asked whether Hip Chick was happy or sad in her casts.  She responded "happy" to both.  Perhaps these responses are an encouraging foreshadowing of what is to come.

5.  Has she shown any signs of discomfort, despite the regained mobility?
Twice this weekend, she had a small tumble and cried "it hurts," pointing to her left hip.  This was highly unusual and perhaps Mommy is hyper-sensitive to such things.  Otherwise, she has no discernable issue aside from her pronounced limp.

6.  What do we expect will be different about this next recovery and cast?
Plenty.  First, the past surgery was minimally invasive.  This second surgery will be anything but... and so we expect pain management and her discomfort level will be different than before.  Second, we will have to adjust our diapering process, as her positioning will be different.  Third, she will have fewer options for positioning than before- we may discharge with a reclining wheelchair to help maneuver her through the house and/or provide her with a seating option for mealtimes.  Because of the positioning restrictions, we will be unable to take her to restaurants or on outings as we did in prior casts.

7. Will the upcoming surgery fix her hip?
We certainly hope and pray so... but there are no guarantees.

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